Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of school!!!!

hi guys!!! today was the first day of school! this year I'm in 5th grade. I guess I'll start from the beginning of the day!. First in the morning i was laying down in bed trying to go back to sleep cause I woke up so early!as soon as i finally started to go to sleep my mom walked into the room and said get ready for school!!1 i jumped right out of bed eager to start my day!!! i had gotten out of bed and dressed my self up faster then you could say "school starts now!" i walked down stairs and was a little bit nervous i finally calmed my self down and had eggs and toast with blueberry jam.I wasn't rushed at all because we had gotten up at 6:30 and school didn't start till 7:30. I double checked my back pack and i was soon on my way to school. When we arrived i walked into school,it's funny how when you walk in and you see all your friends. It was finally time to walk up stairs to my class room we bought all our supplies in and i lifted up my desk-wait a second i thought then i looked under my desk and i saw a slot near the bottom wear i would put all my stuff in (and yes,it is a pain to bend over pretty far each time you need a pencil). My teacher is very nice and guess what? she is also my neighbor!!!! we then filled out an all about me paper saying what our interests are. WE had snack and then recess i got to play with all my friends and we had an awesome time. When we came back inside it was almost time for lunch we had hot dogs applesauce and beans!!! i played with my friends at recess then we went inside after a little bit longer we got an extra recess!!! it was so much fun i played kickball for a little bit then i played on the play ground by the time we went inside it was almost time to go,we had NO homework(yay!)and left and went home it was so much fun!!!!!!

i hope you enjoyed reading this long,detailed description of what it was like on the first day of school!!!
<3 liz

P.S check back soon to get an update on our trip on going to camp!!!!!
coming soon

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